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Owston Ferry Church ( circa 1900 )

Owston Ferry Church.


Owston Ferry Church ( circa 1920 )

Owston Ferry Church.


Owston Ferry Church Gates ( circa 1920 )

The entrance to the church.


The church interior ( circa 1920 )

The church interior.


The Alms Houses ( circa 1920 )

The Alms Houses.


The High Street ( circa 1920 )

The High Street.


The High Street ( circa 1920 )

The High Street.


The High Street ( circa 1900 )

The High Street.


The Market Place ( circa 1900 )

The Market Place.


The Market Place ( circa 1920 )

The Market Place.


The River Trent ( circa 1920 )

The River Trent.


The River Trent ( circa 1920 )

The River Trent.


The South End ( circa 1900 )

The South End.


The Regatta Day ( circa 1920 )

Owston Ferry Regatta Day.


The windmills ( circa 1900 )

The Windmills.


Old butchers shop (early 1900's)

Old butchers shop.
Photograph -  Elaine Snow

R W Thorpe Butcher  (early 2000's)

Shop just before being turned into a house.
Photograph -  Elaine Snow



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