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The Axholme Joint Railway
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AJR TicketThe Axholme Joint Railway, as it eventually became, was the result of the joining together of the Goole and Marshland Light Railway (G&MLR) and the Isle of Axholme Light Railway (IOALR).

The G&MLR was to be opened in several stages to eventually run from the North Eastern Railway at Saddlethorpe Junction, later being called Marshland Junction, to Fockerby. The IOALR was to run from the G&MLR at Reedness Junction to the Great Northern & Great Eastern Joint Railway at Haxey Junction.




Further Reading

The Axholme Joint Railway - C. W. Judge

The Axholme Joint Railway.
C. W. Judge.

Published by
Oakwood Press

ISBN 0 85361 441 5




Click for media release and order information

Railways in North Lincolnshire.

 Chris Bates and Martin Bairstow.

Published by
Martin Bairstow.

 ISBN 1 871944 30 9




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Railway Chronology | Railway Photographs | Railway Documents from the Axholme Joint Railway | The Last Trip

Axholme History | The Parish of Althorpe | The Parish of Amcotts | The Parish of Belton | The Parish of Crowle | The Parish of Eastoft | The Parish of Epworth | The Parish of Garthorpe | The Parish of Haxey | The Parish of Luddington | The Parish of Owston | The Parish of West Butterwick | The Parish of Wroot

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