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Temple Belwood
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Temple Belwood Before 1900 | Temple Belwood After 1900 | Temple Belwood - Other Facts | Temple Belwood Booklet | 1905 Temple Belwood Brochure | Temple Belwood Photographs | Marriage Licence | Knights Templar Links



Temple Belwood Lodges

In Belton, Temple Belwood and the grounds were it once stood have taken a momentous journey through time. From the Druids, Lords of the Manor and Knights Templar through to Knights Hospitaler, Squires and the Landed Gentry. As nothing of the buildings can now be seen I hope the following pages will give you an insight into the way things were.



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Temple Belwood Before 1900 | Temple Belwood After 1900 | Temple Belwood - Other Facts | Temple Belwood Booklet | 1905 Temple Belwood Brochure | Temple Belwood Photographs | Marriage Licence | Knights Templar Links

Axholme History | The Parish of Althorpe | The Parish of Amcotts | The Parish of Belton | The Parish of Crowle | The Parish of Eastoft | The Parish of Epworth | The Parish of Garthorpe | The Parish of Haxey | The Parish of Luddington | The Parish of Owston | The Parish of West Butterwick | The Parish of Wroot

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